Add a Witness to an E-signature
Add a Witness to an E-Signature
- Open the PDF for signing
- Click the Send for Signature tool in the Acrobat DC right-hand pane
- Click Ready to Send and enter the Signer’s e-mail address twice
It’s good practice to let the signer know they’ll be receiving two e-mail messages. The first message is for the Signer to e-sign, and the second is for the Signer to delegate to the witness.
- The Signer receives the first Please eSign e-mail, which he or she e-signs in front of a witness by selecting the Click here to review and sign link in the message.
- After the Signer signs the document, he or she will receive a second e-mail.
- To obtain a witness’ signature, the Signer selects Click here below the message in the email: Do you need to forward this to a party authorized to sign it?
- Adobe Document Cloud opens and the Signer types in an e-mail address and message for the witness signature, then clicks Delegate.
- The witness will then receive an e-mail message to review and sign the document.
Within minutes, the files are processed, signatures stored, and all concerned parties receive e-mail messages with a link to the completed document.