Council Meetings Setup in Teams for Admin
Council Meeting Setup in Teams for Admin
Schedule Meeting
- Schedule a meeting in Outlook Calendar
- Add New Teams Meeting from the Ribbon
- Send
Assign Meeting Options (Presenters / Attendees)
- Reopen the Meeting Invitation
- Select Meeting options

This will open a web page with Meeting Options:

- Select the dropdown next to Who can present?
- Select Only me
- Save

Add Presenters During the Meeting (after they Join)
- Open the Meeting Invitation
- Select Join Microsoft Teams Meeting (Set camera and mic options)
- Select Join Now
- Select the People icon to show list of attendees
- Select the ellipsis icon next to the name(s) to select as a Presenter

Remove Attendees (They will still have access to the Meeting Chat)
During Meeting:
- Select the People icon to show list of attendees
- Select the ellipsis icon next to the name(s)
- Select the X to remove
After Meeting:
- Select the People icon to show list of attendees
- Hover over the attendee’s name
- Select the X to remove

The Organizer creates the meeting. Presenters can do just about anything that needs doing in a meeting; the role of Attendee is more controlled.
Below are the specific capabilities of each role:
Speak and share video

Participate in meeting chat

Share content

Privately view a PowerPoint file shared by someone else

Take control of someone else's PowerPoint presentation

Mute other participants

Remove participants

Admit people from the lobby

Change the roles of other participants

Start or stop recording

- If the meeting is recurring, any change you make in Meeting options will apply to all meeting occurrences.
- If the meeting is recurring, role assignments made in this way will only apply to the ongoing occurrence of the meeting. For future occurrences, participants will keep the role assigned to them on the Meeting options page.
- If someone exits the meeting and then rejoins it later, they'll rejoin with the last role they were assigned.
Record the Meeting
- Start or join the meeting.
- To start recording, go to the meeting controls and select More options
> Start recording.
Everyone in the meeting is notified that recording has started.
- To stop recording, go to the meeting controls and select More options
> Stop recording
- The recording is then processed (which could take awhile) and saved to Microsoft Stream, and then it's ready to play.
- The person who started the recording receives an email from Microsoft Stream when recording is available. It also shows up in the meeting chat.
Note: You can't make multiple recordings of the same meeting at the same time. If one person starts recording a meeting, that recording will be stored on the cloud and available to all participants.
Note: In addition to storing the recording on Microsoft Stream, a link to the recording is added in the meeting chat which is available for seven days. Anyone who participated in the meeting can access this link and download the recording.
Type of user
Can start recording?
Can stop recording?
Meeting organizer
Person from same org
Person from another org or company
- Recording continues even if person who started recording has left the meeting.
- The recording stops automatically once everyone leaves the meeting.
- If someone forgets to leave the meeting, the recording automatically ends after four hours.