Council Teams Meeting Common Practices
Teams Meetings Common Practices
- Roll call: The Clerk will use the participant screen and indicate who is in attendance/absent rather than asking each councillor to indicate their attendance. She will identify who is absent or sent regrets.
- Movers / Seconders: When the agenda package goes out to councillors and you wish to be a mover or seconder for a particular report, please indicate that to Heather/Tara via email by identifying which report you wish to move/second after the agenda is posted.
This will allow the Warden to begin the report by saying we have report ABC-123 and it has been moved by Councillor XXX and Seconded by Councillor YYY. If there is no mover/seconder for the report, the Warden will request such and councillors can indicate their intent to move/second a particular report by using the Chat function.
- Questions / Comments: If there are questions related to a report, councillors will use the Chat feature to indicate they have a question related to the report and wait to be acknowledged by the Warden. The CAO and the Clerk will monitor the Chat questions and provide updates to the Warden on who wishes to speak after each report presentation has concluded.
Voting: After the first meeting, voting will be done by the Warden asking if anyone is opposed to the motion on the floor. If any councillor is opposed, they can indicate “opposed” in the Teams Chat. If no one is opposed the Warden will indicate such and the motion will be identified as carried.
- Chat on iPad > Select Chat icon in top right corner
Opens in new screen – use left arrow to go back
- Chat on Laptop > Select Chat icon in bottom navigation of screen
Opens on the right
- Microphone Settings: Meeting organizers (Rob Hatten, CAO and Clerk/Deputy Clerk) can mute microphones as necessary for those that forget to turn them off after they have spoken.