Microsoft Teams Meetings Practice with Councillors
Organizer: Remember to select Meeting options > take ownership before meeting
Include these instructions in the Teams Meeting Invitation:
- Microphone – Mute until you need to speak
- Turn Video on – check internet / lighting / face (remember you’re on camera)
- Join now
Training Directions after Joining Meeting
After you’ve received and accepted a Teams meeting invitation you can join anytime by selecting the Join Microsoft Teams Meeting link in the meeting invitation or in Teams Meetings Calendar.
Four attendees will show on the screen – the rest underneath
- Whoever has been speaking the most recent will be showing
- Everyone will be minimized when documents/presentation are shown
Navigation bar in bottom half of screen – TAP to show it anytime
- This is where to MUTE and UNMUTE (speak during meeting)
- Hang up – you can re-Join during meeting
- What is in your Ellipses – options….
Select Chat icon in top right corner – monitored by staff who inform the Warden
- Type a new message
- Used for motions (opposed only)
- Used to “Raise hand” to speak
- Comments/Questions
- Use back arrow to return to meeting
- SHARE SCREEN to a powerpoint
After meeting is over – go to the Chat icon (left navigation)
- Look for Blue circle calendar icon with Meeting Name (& Date)
- Select and see message history and add comments if desired
Meeting Practice - Laptop
Organizer: Remember to select Meeting options > take ownership before meeting
Include these instructions in the Teams Meeting Invitation:
- Microphone – Mute until you need to speak
- Turn Video on – check internet / lighting / face (remember you’re on camera)
- Join now
Training Directions after Joining Meeting
After you’ve received and accepted a Teams meeting invitation you can join anytime by selecting the Join Microsoft Teams Meeting link in the meeting invitation or in Teams Meetings Calendar.
Four attendees will show on the screen – the rest underneath
- Whoever has been speaking the most recent will be showing
- Everyone will be minimized when documents/presentation are shown
Navigation bar in bottom half of screen – CLICK or HOVER to show it anytime
- This is where to MUTE and UNMUTE (speak during meeting)
- Hang up – you can re-Join during meeting
Select Chat icon in bottom navigation – monitored by staff who inform Warden
- Type a new message
- Used for motions (opposed only)
- Used to “Raise hand” to speak
- Comments/Questions
- SHARE SCREEN to a word document
After meeting is over – go to the Chat (bottom of screen)
- Look for Blue circle calendar icon with Meeting Name (& Date)
- Select and see message history and add comments if desired
Meeting Practice - Browser
- Once you click the link to join it will open in your default web browser. It will then give you the option to continue in the browser or download the Teams app.
Note that Teams won't work in Internet Explorer so you might have to download the app if that's your only option.
- Once you have the meeting open in either your browser or the Teams app, you can enter your name and make sure that your camera and microphone are working.
- When joining just make sure that we hear and see each other, and give a quick overview of the laptop instructions on previous page.