Heritage Room - Connection Information
Power On TV (Sharp Remote)
Join Teams Meeting by pressing Join
Share your screen in a Teams Room (outside of a Teams meeting)
To share your desktop with in-room participants outside of a Teams meeting, connect your personal device to the appropriate cable connected to the room console. Depending on your room settings, your screen may be shared automatically, or you may have to select Share on the room console.
If you are in a room with dual displays, you can select Duplicate content or Stop duplicating to adjust whether the local HDMI content is shared on one screen or both screens.
You can also cast content from your personal device. To learn more, see casting from a mobile device or casting from a desktop.
Share your screen with all meeting participants (during a Teams meeting)
There are three ways to share with both in-room and online participants from a personal device:
Join the meeting on your personal device and select Share , then the item you want to share. Go to Share your screen in a Teams meeting to learn more.
Connect your personal device to the cable connected to the room console. Depending on your room settings, your screen may be shared automatically or you may have to select Share > Connected device > Share on the room console.
Cast content from your personal device. Learn more about casting from a mobile device or casting from a desktop.
Share in-room content (during a Teams meeting)
Content cameras allow you to stream a traditional whiteboard into meetings so remote participants can clearly see what's being drawn. While you write, we’ll square up the board, enhance the ink, and make anyone in front of the whiteboard transparent.
Note: Depending on your device settings, you may see different content sharing options.
If you're in a room that has a content camera, you can share to it by selecting Share > Content camera > Share on the room console.
If your room has a touch display, you can use Microsoft Whiteboard in your meeting by selecting Share > Microsoft Whiteboard > Share on the room console.
To stop sharing, select Stop sharing on the room console.
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Helpdesk: IT Help Desk in Teams